media-r-simple is a full service creative advertising and communications agency that blends classical and new age techniques to introduce, to brand and to promote an idea, image, product and service.Awareness Promotion ConvictionSuccess in advertising begins by first learning the APCs and we at media r simple take this to heart. We pledge to all our clients an exclusive and unique step by step marketing solutions approach.
Διαφημιστική εταιρεία με βασικές ικανότητες στον τομέα των Ambient Media. Δημιουργία εξατομικευμένων αναπτύξεων μέσων και λύσεων μέσων με βάση συγκεκριμένες επικοινωνιακές ανάγκες.
elements ανήκει στις κορυφαίες διαδικτυακές εταιρείες στην Αυστρία, με 70 δημιουργικούς ανθρώπους και εκτενή γνώση στο web design, την ανάπτυξη εφαρμογών, το e-commerce και το web marketing.
...Zugara Media is an innovative agency bordering media and information technology. Focused on delivering high-quality service to software developers who want to increase revenue with downloads. Effective tools, clear rules, profitable pricing models - that's how it works. Our solutions are known to be effective for both advertisers and publishers. One side can easily distribute its products to highly targeted users already engaged in a software download process, while the other side has opportunity to create new revenue streams and optimize existing channels using our unique tools.