...DZ -cleaning Cleaning workshops by specialized professionals at affordable prices !!!Building Cleaning Services Athens Dz Cleaning Cleaning company of apartment buildings / companies by specialized professionals at offer prices !!! Apartment building cleaning from 40 € We undertake the cleaning of the interior and exterior common areas of your apartment building or building, with our permanent...
... we are confident in the quality and safety of our products.
Aiming at continuous development and continuous improvement of our products and the offer of integrated solutions and services, we continuously invest in research and development of new products and the continual improvement of the products we provide. All our products carry instructions for the safe use and labeling, according to current legislation. Constantly trying responsibly and with environmental awareness.
... and all the necessary know-how to the Greek market. Since 1992, more than 130 cities in Greece have been served in the collection and transport of waste by the group companies. The 2 plants in Athens are owned by Hellenic Waste Recycling S.A. and Hellenic Recycling S.A. (Ελληνική Ανακύκλωση ΑΕΒΕ), the recycling industry in Larissa is owned by the company Thessalia Recycling S.A. and the smaller plant in Thessaloniki by Hellenic Recycling S.A.. The group, also has a real estate company that owns a strong portfolio of plots and buildings.
... well as other types of revetment used in numerous indoor and outdoor areas).They also cover an unlimited number of professional applications (commercial stores, bank and other industry branches, office buildings, malls, super markets). They are also used for revetments installed on large and famous buildingsat some of the most central locations in large cities in Greece and the Balkans. Finally, our products have made their mark and remain a top choice when it comes to large projects (airports, metro and suburban railway stations, museums, public buildings, etc.).