Η CarbonBox , μιά από της σοβαρότερες και αξιόπιστες εταιρείες του κλάδου εμπορίας ξυλοκάρβουνου, έχει σαν σκοπό την διατήρηση της εμπιστοσύνης των υφιστάμενων πελατών της παρέχοντας αξιόπιστα προϊόντα, αλλά και την δημιουργία νέων πελατών πανελλαδικά αξιοποιώντας το διευρυμένο δίκτυο πωλήσεών της. Σας καλούμε να ξεφυλλίσετε τα προϊόντα μας σε αυτή την ιστοσελίδα έτσι ώστε να βρείτε αυτό που πραγμ...
... quality.
With an increased sensitivity towards the environment, SKS ensures that both the production process and the use of its products contribute to a reduced carbon footprint.
SKS' products are available throughout Greece and abroad via the company's organized network, gaining consumer confidence and preference on a daily basis and holding a significant market position.
100% Greek company
Established in 1981, with a progressive approach due to its second generation entrepreneurs
Rapidly developing
Environmentally sensitive
Produces products of the highest quality...
Fillip Aivaliotis Bros company was founded in Greece in 1973. Range of products-----------------------------Carbon brushes for industrial useFor stationary A.C and D.C generators and motors-Carbon brushes for traction use-Carbon brushes for electric tools and house hold appliances(washing mashines ,vacuum cleaners ,mixers,sewing machines etc.)-Carbon brushes for forklifts-Carbon contacts-Carbon current collectors--Carbon and graphite products for mechanical application-Silvergraphite brushesHigh quality and very good prices.