Established in 1956 , under the name JOPA, the company was initially dealing with general trading. Today under the family name P.Pallikaras Ltd, the company managed to expand into new markets with an emphasis on quality and professional service. The firm entered the clothing industry in 1962, with the supply of zippers, trimmings and other products to the clothing factories and bag manufacturers all around Cyprus. In 1971, the company became the authorized exclusive agent and representative of the world famous brand of zippers YKK. Through all these years we have gained great experience in the field, we have built strong bonds with the “YKK family”, we have the connection and the knowledge to secure very competitive prices for any type of YKK zippers, and we have cooperated with numerous clothing factories in Cyprus and abroad. Nevertheless, due to the recession of the clothing industry in Cyprus, the demand for these products in our country has been declined significantly. Therefore, we are searching for new markets in distributing our existing stocks at really competitive prices.
Αυτός ο προμηθευτής δεν έχει μεταφορτώσει ακόμη κανένα προϊόν.
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