ATIA Inc. has been operating successfully in the field of Greek shoe manufacturing since 1978 and employs people that are genuinely involved in women’s shoe making. The company is located in a privately owned facility of 1500 sq., at Kavalari, at the outskirts of Thessaloniki, Greece. Its long standing experience in the field has given the company the necessary expertise in shoe manufacturing of high standards, both leather and leatherette. The experienced design department of KATIA is always keeping up with the constant changing fashion trends , thus KATIA creates a variety on designs, patterns and shoes, covering every modern woman’s needs. KATIA remains a production unit that designs and manufactures its products in Greece. All materials that are used are always chosen with respect to the buyer, keeping all standards for a high quality product. Supporting and expanding the current sales network, KATIA has recently turned to on-line sales for certain products, a selected sample of the company’s collection, aiming at the retail’s consumer. Our full collection with a variety of designs can be found in selected stores across Greece and Cyprus
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