Why choose flawless organic extra virgin olive oil It only takes a short ride on the national road leading from Athens to southern Peloponnese to understand why we, Greeks, are so connected with the olive tree. On both ways of the road for over 300 kilometers unfolds a landscape full of these beautiful trees with the green-grey leaves, many of them being over 100 years old and still flourishing.In autumn the olive groves are full of farmers and workers who collect the olives and transfer some of them to the mills for the olive oil production.It sounds simple, but extracting a flawless extra virgin olive oil is not at all easy. It needs:extensive knowledge, advanced technical means, a combination of celerity and tenderness in the handling of olives,and the unprecedented will of the producer.You may ask, why bother producing a premium quality olive oil when it costs all this extra effort and money… The answer is pretty clear to me and I would like to share it with you in a few lines (although I could easily fill up pages!):Flawless extra virgin olive oil is not just a food product with a delicious taste, it is a remedy. Research connects its bioactive ingredients, like the fatty acids, tocopherol, flavonoids and polyphenols and their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects with the strengthening of the immune system in fighting certain diseases like cancer, stroke, coronary heart disease and oxidative stress. If you are a consumer with no particular interest in understanding sci
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