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About Foodcom S.A.

About Foodcom S.A.

Why ORCAS? ・ 31 Ιαν 2023 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

What's the deal (pun intended) with the ORCAS? Why such a choice? Why do we want Foodcom S.A. to be associated with these very animals? That will become clear shortly. Orcas are some of the largest ocean creatures in the world. They are sometimes called "wolves of the sea." They are unstoppable, have their own way of communicating, function like a well-oiled machine, and are actively seeking for the best resources. It's just like us. The commodity market is an ocean of unlimited possibilities for us. Teamwork is definitely one of the things we are experts at. As an international team, we have developed our own way of communicating that just works. And most importantly, we are unstoppable. But you probably already know that.

Foodcom S.A. at FI EUROPE - Paris 2022

Foodcom S.A. at FI EUROPE - Paris 2022

Συμμετοχή σε εκδήλωση ・ 6 Δεκ 2022 - 8 Δεκ 2022 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

Foodcom S.A. is fully prepared for FI EUROPE - Paris 2022 - Where food moves forward! It is the ideal location to explore all types of F&B commodities, alternatives, and cutting-edge methods, as well as to establish new business relationships with suppliers or buyers. Interact with representatives and professionals from Foodcom S.A. acquire new contacts, leads, and have access to countless insights on current market developments, while becoming part of this community that promotes change and development to create a sustainable food future at our warm exhibit at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles! Where to find us: HALL - 7.1 STAND - G60 To schedule a personal appointment, send us an email at Visit our website to learn more about who we are. #FiEUROPE2022 #TradeShow #Foodcom #Business

Foodcom's CEO Aleksander Paciorkiewicz Interview

Foodcom's CEO Aleksander Paciorkiewicz Interview

Youtube Interview ・ 15 Νοε 2022 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

This is our recent interview with Łukasz Smolarski from Biznes Misja on YouTube presented for you in Polish language! Foodcom S.A. founder and CEO Aleksander Paciorkiewicz is indeed a professional in import and export in the food, feed and industrial commodity. The ideology of our company, Foodcom, the career paths we created here, the present food crisis, the consequences of inflation, which items will cost more money, investments, market seasonality, and much more are all covered here. The interview will include all the information you need to know. With us you'll never miss a thing! To see the video, click the official link. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to Foodcom on YouTube for more updates like this.

Wywiad z prezesem Foodcom Aleksander Paciorkiewicz

Wywiad z prezesem Foodcom Aleksander Paciorkiewicz

Youtube Interview ・ 15 Νοε 2022 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

Sprawdźcie nasz najnowszy wywiad udzielony Łukaszowi Smolarskiemu z kanału Biznes Misja! Założyciel i CEO firmy Foodcom S.A. Aleksander Paciorkiewicz jest ekspertem w zakresie importu oraz eksportu surowców wykorzystywanych do produkcji żywności, pasz i towarów przemysłowych. Misja i filozofia naszej firmy, ścieżki kariery, jakimi można u nas podążać, obecny kryzys żywnościowy, skutki inflacji, przewidywane podwyżki cen, opłacalne inwestycje oraz sezonowość rynku to tylko niektóre z tematów, o których usłyszycie w wywiadzie! Z nami nic nie umknie Waszej uwadze! Kliknij w link poniżej, żeby obejrzeć wywiad: Pamiętaj o zostawieniu lajka, udostępnieniu oraz zasubskrybowaniu kanału Foodcomu na YouTube, aby otrzymywać więcej podobnych treści!

BRCGS Agents & Brokers - Our AA grade!

BRCGS Agents & Brokers - Our AA grade!

Απόκτηση βραβείου/επάθλου ・ 4 Μαρ 2021 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

The excellent quality is our habit! That’s why we are proud to announce that our AA grade, which is the highest in BRCGS Agents & Brokers has been confirmed once again. We comply with all conformities identified by the issuing body! The BRCGS Agents & Brokers standard is intended for companies that provide purchase, transport, or distribution services for products in the supply chain. Certification against the Global Standard is recognized by many retailers, food service companies, and manufacturers around the world when assessing the capabilities of their suppliers. We are very grateful to all those who work hard every day for this extraordinary success!



Νέα σύσταση από πελάτη ・ 4 Μαρ 2021 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

Na liście naszych kontrahentów znajdują się zarówno duże międzynarodowe marki, jak i lokalni producenci. 5 powodów dlaczego warto z nami współpracować: 1. Gwarancja bezpieczeństwa - doświadczenie, solidność i kontrola dostawców 2. Profesjonalny zespół znający specyfikę rynków 3. Jawne stawki, warunki i strony transakcji 4. Kompleksowa obsługa przez dedykowanego brokera 5. Międzynarodowe kontakty

BRCGS Agents & Brokers - Our AA grade!

BRCGS Agents & Brokers - Our AA grade!

Απόκτηση βραβείου/επάθλου ・ 25 Φεβ 2021 Ανάγνωση περισσότερων Open In New icon

The excellent quality is our habit! That’s why we are proud to announce that our AA grade, which is the highest in BRCGS Agents & Brokers has been confirmed once again. We comply with all conformities identified by the issuing body!

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Crown Square building

Przyokopowa 31, 7th floor

01-208 Warszawa, Poland - Πολωνία
