The company PAPER ROLL PC is located in Greece, Athens at Egaleo, Kifissos Av. 86. It is a constantly growing company in the sector of processing and trading paper and label products. PAPER ROLL PC was initially established in 2014 as a branch office; whereas in 2016 it became a separated entity and continues as an autonomous business corporation.
- Our mission is to instantly serve our...
... shipping and industrial market. Guided by the traditional business principles and by operating on customer-based strategy, Bogdanos Marine has established a worldwide network of reputable partners in order to meet the requirements of the Hellenic shipping and industrial community. N. BOGDANOS MARINE BUREAU Ltd. since 1956 Rich 65-year-old history of high-end consultancies, vessel surveys and...
...We supply a wide collection or exclusive decor accessories, business gifts collectors' items, tableware and fashion jewellery.
We provide solutions for every space and use from home and shop decor to large corporate premises, halls, offices and hotels.Our collection includes Wall decor ornaments, Sculptures, Collective games and replicas, Silver or Golden wreaths, Office accessories, One-of-a...
... και έγκυρων πιστοποιήσεων όπως αυτές της Microsoft, της Adobe, της CompTIA, της Autodesk κ.ά. Με φιλοσοφία εκπαίδευσης που βασίζεται στη μέθοδο Project Based Learning, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι μας ολοκληρώνουν τους εκπαιδευτικούς τους στόχους μέσα από ρεαλιστικά παραδείγματα και business case studies.Οι καθηγητές μας, όλοι ανώτατης εκπαίδευσης και πιστοποιημένοι εκπαιδευτές Microsoft είναι επιπλέον αδειοδοτημένοι καθηγητές Πληροφορικής, εγγεγραμμένοι στα μητρώα εισηγητών ΟΑΕΔ. Τρεις είναι οι βασικές ομάδες μαθημάτων μας: BusinessOffice, Art/Deco/Design & Innovative Technology Projects για μαθητές.
McKinsey’s Athens office was established to better serve the increasing number of clients in Greece, Cyprus, and South-Eastern Europe. Although our consultants are based in Athens, their professional exposure covers a wide geographical and functional range. We offer opportunities to work on client studies abroad, participate in consultant exchange programs, and develop industry or functional expertise by joining one of our numerous practices.
Η εταιρία μας προσφέρει σε ελεύθερους επαγγελματίες και όσους έχουν τη δυνατότητα να εργαστούν από όπου το επιθυμούν, έναν χώρο εργασίας ευχάριστο και παραγωγικό, χωρίς υψηλά κόστη. Συνδυάζουμε την άνεση ενός σπιτιού ή ενός καφέ με τις διευκολύνσεις και το εργασιακό περιβάλλον ενός επαγγελματικού γραφείου. Η εταιρία μας αποτελεί το ιδανικό χώρο εργασίας, στο οποίο ανεξάρτητοι επαγγελματίες, μικρές...
... well as other types of revetment used in numerous indoor and outdoor areas).They also cover an unlimited number of professional applications (commercial stores, bank and other industry branches, office buildings, malls, super markets). They are also used for revetments installed on large and famous buildings at some of the most central locations in large cities in Greece and the Balkans. Finally, our products have made their mark and remain a top choice when it comes to large projects (airports, metro and suburban railway stations, museums, public buildings, etc.).