... πρώτες ύλες για τα προϊόντα μας (ISO 22000 και HACCP). Με σύγχρονο τεχνολογικό εξοπλισμό στα συσκευαστήρια και τις αποθήκες μας. Με έμπειρο, ειδικευμένο προσωπικό σε όλα τα στάδια της παραγωγικής διαδικασίας (πωλητές - συντηρητές μηχανημάτων κ.λπ). Η εταιρεία FunCorn δραστηριοποιείται στην εισαγωγή και εμπορία μηχανημάτων, προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών για: ποπ κορν παρασκευάσματα φρούτων candyfloss (μαλλί της γριάς) λουκουμάδες παγωτό παιχνίδια...
...Little Donkey embarked on his journey in 2014 from the historical region of Marathon, about 35 km northeast of Athens. Angeliki, a food technologist and organic farming agriculturist with a Masters Degree in food safety and her husband Michael, an electronic engineer, are the founders of 'Little Donkey', a modern food production workshop, which complies with the requirements HACCP and ISO 22000...
... high quality products, but also with the constantly evolving to respond to their expectations. That’ s why, we and our people continuously come into contact with a variety of Greek producers, while respecting the security and quality HACCP and ISO standards, as well as with delicatessen buyers, connoisseur, known chefs worldwide to better understand their needs and offer them the best products...
... (Global Gap, HACCP, AGRO 2.1, AGRO 2.2, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 22000:2005 etc.)
Anyone who has tasted Greek fruits can tell the difference. Wherever Sun, Sea, Wind and Mountains coexist, the quality of fruits is excellent.
Greece has an advantageous geographic position with a remarkable range of micro-climates and local variations.
We believe that it is a great opportunity to expand your product...