... στέκονται, σακούλες με μαύρο πάτο, σακούλες αλουμινίου, σακούλες τροφής για κατοικίδια, σακούλες καπνού, σακούλες συσκευασίας φρούτων, σακούλες συσκευασίας λαχανικών, χάρτινες σακούλες, κουτιά από μέταλλο, τρυπητήρια για πλαστικές σακούλες.","All trademarks and pictures shown here are as example of our production capability, they are not for sale, and they are the property of their owners.":"Όλες οι...
Shena Corrugating Solutions
Your corrugated industry specialist.
We deliver results!
Our company was founded in 2011 by a team with extensive experience and love for paper. We specialize in upgrading the mechanical equipment of paper production and converting lines.
With more than two decades of experience in machinery manufacturing and know how in corrugated cardboard production, we offer...